Blender Projects

This model is one of the ones I'm most proud of. While it didn't take too long to create, it is stil intricate enough to be use for artwork and 3D scenes.

I also animated a twist animation to it and made it follow the path of a curve. This shows the fluidity of the animation.

Moving glass thing.mp4

For a project in my first year of college, I helped create and animate scenes in blender. This mountain scene is the one that I am most proud of. My friend made the model and I added clouds and lighting. I also rendered the full set of animations for the project.

Here is the final video for a RSBP project at college, with all the rendered clips edited together. All of these scenes were created by other people in the group but I did the final tweaks and edits to either make them work together better, optimze them or to add extra effects, like clouds.

RSBP Classroom Project.mp4